Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Because it's been a week and I haven't posted.

1) Subjects that sound cool are not very. Cool that is.

2) Global warming can continue to happen if the weather here continues to stay nice and cloudy. Except the pansy drizzle. I can do without the drizzle. I want to wear white :(

3) If you put my room and C208 together, you will have a complete Veneta Cucine kitchen with lemon tea and scrambled eggs for breakfast, and white oats for the aged, toothless and diseased.

4) It is, in fact, totally okay if you don't log on to Facebook for a week. Although people might worry about whether you still exist. Aside from that.

5) Douglas Adams is a STUD who has made fortunes writing about hyperspace while embracing what can only be fantastical ADD.

6) I secretly want to punch a first year, just to see what it's like. But if we are prioritizing the first years, could I PLEASE at least see ONE hot one? Is it too much to ask?

7) They weren't lying when they said calculus is important. Ugh.

8) Zebra crossings are pointless. Apparently the new subway is where everyone is going to die due to splatterage by an autodriver who thinks he is Rajnikanth.

9) Anti-socials are frustrating. As are social butterflies. Being stuck in the middle of both these stereotypes is just plain painful.

10) I am a professhunal gambler. Except for the part where I bring in the money. We don't play with money, but I have a lot of pretend 120 rupee notes.


  1. Point 6.
    I have one which said he's a good stripper, and wants us to 'bring on the leather' when asked to introduce himself.

  2. I like your name, give or take a consonant. :P
    And I want hott junior to lech at. Non-kinky will also do.
    All engineers in training give up hotness and take up scientific calculators it seems. :(

  3. No. 5
    Truer words never spoken. He is nothing short of a God. And the thought up Marvin.

  4. @Anty, heh, and that inspired Radiohead. So, VAO.
    @Sid, Yes.
